PulBul (Stamp Lookup)is the digitalized version of a collection comprised of stamps printed in various countries of the birds found in The List of Bird Species of Turkey.
The number of recorded bird species worldwide is about 10,000; because of this, it is very hard if not impossible to invest on every printed stamp. In light of this, the collection's theme was narrowed down to “stamps that have been printed and distributed in various countries of the birds found in the list of recorded bird species in Turkey”. Since these stamps are generally printed in series, from time to time, birds that are not found in Turkey may also find their way into the collection; but those are not included in this digitalized version.
Turkey's list of recorded species is inclusive of 502 birds, of which currently
may be found in the digitalized PULBUL collection. This number is updated with new entries.
When a bird photographer or watcher encounters a new species, it is said to be “a score” (kertik). Likewise, whenever a fitting bird stamp finds it's place in the stamp book, it is considered score for PULBUL.
For a photographer turned collector, searching for all the printed stamps of a bird species up until today is - eventhough not as much as searching for the bird itself in nature - an avocation both fun and educational. The excitement a bird photographer gets from waiting on a bird's migratory routes, searching for it in the field, when it finally reveals
itself keeping steady for that ideal pose and at last capturing that pose, is comparable to that of which a philatelist who is working on a bird themed collection gets from following the publishing schedules of different countries, identifying those about birds and waiting for them, and finally when those stamps come out, impressing them into their collection.
*Clicking a country name will take you to a page with related country stamps.
*Clicking a species name will take you to a page with related species stamps.
*Using the drop down boxes you can reach the pages of the related countries or species.
Targeted Species | 502 |
Score | 345 |
Total Stamps | 1242 |
Species with most stamps:
Common Kingfisher | 23 |
Osprey | 23 |
Golden Eagle | 20 |
Eurasian Eagle-owl | 18 |
Eurasian Hoopoe | 15 |
Golden Oriole | 14 |
Black Stork | 14 |
Northern Lapwing | 14 |